Miltton DataMix

For internal usage only

Long story short


Strapi 's headless from the ground up. Its API-first architecture provides unparalleled flexibility, allowing developers to use any front-end technology and deliver content across multiple platforms seamlessly. Wordpress can do this only via building REST APIs or using plugins. Strapi do this out of the box.

Strapi ’s architecture allows developers to customize and extend the CMS without the need for plugins. This flexibility can be a significant advantage, especially for complex, scalable applications.

Strapi 's use of modern development technologies and practices makes it a preferred choice for developers looking to build scalable, high-performance applications. Performance and speed for editors and end-users are much better comparing with the Wordpress .


Wordpress , while immensely popular and user-friendly, is rooted in a more traditional CMS approach.

Its monolithic architecture can be limiting for modern web development needs. To avoid this development of the REST API is needed.

But because of its extensive ecosystem and community support Wordpress continues to be a go-to choice for many.

In summary, Strapi can be seen as a successor to Wordpress for developers and projects that require a more flexible, modern, and scalable content management solution which can deliver content accross multiple platforms seamlessly out of the box. But not only, check the advantages below.


Performance and speed both for editors and users are much better
Security is the key, and is not compromised by volurnable themes and plugins
API tokens management with atomic permissions
SSO support
Flexible content management
Flexible content relationships
Advanced content modeling
Content versioning
Review Workflows
Built-in localization and internationalization
No theme limitations
API-first approach
Customizable API (controllers, services)
Advanced filtering and querying capabilities
Supports multiple databases
Webhooks support
CRON jobs support
Automatic API documentation with Swagger